How does one make art in Latin America? How does one not want to run away from the news? How do you ignore the violence?

At this point in Brazilian history, in which the exploitation of human rights and the restriction of freedom increase at full speed, adding to a health crisis of worldly proportions, there is also an increase in cases of murders and attempted murders of politicians, candidates and pre-candidates. From 2016 to 2019, there were 327 cases of political violence in the country in total.

 These and other matters, such as the assassination of Rio de Janeiro city council member Marielle Franco (PSOL), inside a car during a drive-by shooting in 2018 and the murders of Brazilian journalists killed in action are the driving force behind the installation Bullet Car, as an allegory of times of an oppressing political repression in Brazil. 

It is known that many of the deaths of Brazilian journalists and politicians are made by firearms and against cars, a coward and not so anonymous violence, many times perpetuated and legitimized by the police itself, ergo, by the State bankrupt and murderous due to its fear of dissident voices, that is, the fear of truth.

Before such a challenge, of not being repetitive, not limiting oneself to the news on TV and the information we get on our phones, we have created a piece of political high voltage that does not lose its poetic dimension, which has the goal of saying more, though with new words and new symbols.

We believe that by not being so linear, it makes us think about the facts beyond simply what we consider police news, being that the rotten powers are intrinsically connected to these facts and to the discourse. It is necessary to find beauty, otherwise we have no fuel to transit in this reality.

Death, coward and dark, goes through an alchemical process that becomes a spotlight for a mental clarity that is, in turn, used as a tool to survive in this context. Society needs ways that go through time and shed light on the urgent matters of the present.

This artwork represents light emerging from bullet holes, where videos of a series of graffiti produced during these dark times can be seen. The projections, on an old wall, remind us of the creative essence of artistic productions on the street: to create through adversity, without fear, without stopping.

Simul et Singulis
Tec Fase
05.06. - 26.06.
Do & Fr 16:00 - 20:00 | Sa 14:00 - 20:00 | So 14:00 - 18:00
mit vorheriger Anmeldung am Infopoint möglich
Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld
Unterstützt von:
RheinEnergieStiftung Kultur & Bezirksvertretung Ehrenfeld