In September 2017, the fourth edition of CityLeaks Urban Art Festival, entitled “Sharing Cities”, set out to explore the public space of Cologne’s northern city centre around Ebertplatz. Its activities focused on a variety of possibilities for rethinking and re-enacting urban environments as common spaces.
Yet what is it that turns public space into a common space? This publication assembles a range of artistic and theoretical impulses for both renegotiating urban spaces and promoting greater participation in the design of one’s own urban environment. At the festival’s outset, Cologne author Dennis Freischlad formulated a couple of questions, which inspired activities during and after the festival:
Wie viel zu wenig reicht aus?
Wie viel Haben ist Sein?
Wie viel an mehr ist genug?
Wie viel von allem ist mir?
Wie viel Ich ist Stadt?
ao. El Marian, Hyuro, Vladimir Truner, Benjamin Gaulon, The Wa, ON/OFF, Martin Kaltwasser, Martin Hesselmeier, Innerfileds, Javier Abarca