Those who labour hard to glimpse the sky have already run into danger. In 1676 astronomer and geophysicist Edmond Halley sailed to the island of Saint Helena off Africa’s West Coast in order to catalogue the Southern firmament. His sextant was stuck in tropical soil far longer then calculated. With a mostly clouded night sky, Halley had to stay out on the island for a full year in order to determine the positions of 341 stars – an achievement which would revolutionize both sea travel and science.
No matter if cloudy or not, North or South, day or night. For the usage of katharinajej’s intervention in Altstadt Nord neither a mosquito-plagued South Sea island nor a remote clearing in the Eifel mountains was needed. It only took a subtle, yet harsh rupture: A standstill in the midst of everyday urban bustle. Also katharinajej documented observations in the sky.